One of my own core values, stability happens when there is both responsibility & accountability.
The eastern culture greeting of bringing both the palms together in namaste, is a way to express honor to the person across.
Namaste is a yogic mudra, practiced even to bring harmony and stability to the mind.
When both our palms join together, it energizes both the hemispheres of the brain.
Sit in a comfortable place...
Gently close your eyes and slowly begin the deep breathwork...
Deeply inhale and slowly exhale...
Do this three times...
The inhalation to be deep and exhalation to be long & slow...
As you begin to relax, slowly bring both your palms together in the namaste position and place in front of your chest...
Inhale again and on exhalation begin to chant OM...
The same may be repeated two more times...
Just sit still for a few moments...
Begin to experience clarity and stability within you.
Whenever you feel totally centered, you may rest your hands on your leg, open palms facing the ceiling in a receiving mudra.
Taking your own time, whenever you feel centered, you may slowly open your eyes and feel refreshed.
Ideally to be done early morning but may be done in the evenings too.